Minimalist Color Block Nails | Re-creation

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Do you ever get so stuffed up with work you forget about your hobbies all together? Well, I certainly do. Then, when my crammed schedule finally clears up, I find manipics from weeks ago. Well, might as well do a post. I might have fewer posts in the upcoming months as well, please bear that in mind.

The design I did is a re-creation of a design done by the awesome @naomi_misu on Instagram
Ooooh, guys, you probably have no idea how many layers of quick dry top coat this design has. 3 or 4 as far as I can count. Thats the downside of using striping tape. But look at those crisp lines! Having to add layers of top coat before adding vinyls or striping tape is a must though. You do not want your base to lift up with your striping tape.
Now that I look back at this design, I definitely should have used a darker nude base so the white and the nude had a little bit more of a contrast. Definitely a thing you should keep in mind if you want to do a manicure like this. Also, the design might seem simple and quick at first. While it is indeed simple, it does take a while to achieve. Waiting for quick dry top coat to become dry enough to put striping tape or vinyls on it can take surprisingly long. And then, once you've waited for the moment it dries, the amount of time it takes to cut and place all the striping tape properly is crazy. This manicure  took me at least 2 hours if I can remember correctly. But to me, it was absolutely worth it, I loved the look and I ended up wearing it for at least 10 days, which is a long wear time for me, since I usually like to change up my nails every 3-5 days.
Products used:
Orly Bonder base coat
Essence Colour&Care 01 Take a Break (nude base)
Flormar 313 Black Minimalism (black)
OPI Alpine Snow (white)
3 mm striping tape
Seche Vite top coat

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