IKEA Helmer Assembly Adventures

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Past week has been really hectic. I'm glad its finally weekend, when I have a bit more of "me" time. I received my Helmer on Wednesday or Thursday but I only got around to assemble it today.
Assembling the 'legendary' Helmer was easier than I thought. I didnt really set a timer but it took me around an hour or so (and I did happen to make some fails in that one hour), the instructions are quite easy to understand, you dont really need alot of tools, which is awesome if theres no one experienced enough to help you assemble more complex stuff.

A box that has been lounging in my living room for a while

 A box inside a box? Boxception
 The second box contains all the parts and a manual. From all the IKEA assembly horror stories, I expected a note from Jigsaw that says "lets play a game" , I guess this one is just very easy to assemble.
 All the parts sorted out

I put the rails on, this isn't that hard to mess up since all of the rails are packed in 2 sets and each of the sets contains 6 of these rails that only go to one side (the groove on the rail has to be on the upper side as you can see in the picture)
 And in my clumsiness I managed to make a small dent on the sideboard, but, once the whole thing was assembled, I couldn't even find the spot.

 The sideboards and base are done, time to put on the back panel and the top cover!

Gotta tighten all those screws... couldn't really tighten the screws for the wheels, but the wheels seem to hold on quite well.
I somewhat organised the parts so I don't have to reach in the bag everytime I need something.
 Make sure the arrow points DOWN and that it is on the INSIDE of the drawer just like shown... I made the mistake of bending the drawer the other way (the arrow was pointing down, but it was on the outside) and it took me a moment to figure out the problem when I had to add other parts of the drawer.

And the finished product - all ready to be filled up with nail polish!

How do you store your nail polish? Do you also store it in drawer units or do you prefer shelves? Let me know in the comments below! 

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